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Computer Graphics Book By Udit Agarwal Pdf 25: Download the Free Pdf and Start Learning Computer Gra


Description: In 1994, parallel processing was still trying its baby teeth. Most supercomputers had 1 to 32 processor cores and a few "massively parallel systems" had a few thousand cores. But most computers in the world (scientific, commercial or personal) were single-core machines. Maybe even more significant, programming these parallel systems was nothing short of a heroic effort, despite the availability of some languages and libraries. Fast forward 25 year to the present day and things have changed. Parallel processing is ubiquitous, from multi-core cell phones to million-core supercomputers. Personal computers have graphics and computing accelerators with thousands of processing elements. There are new languages, frameworks and libraries to help program these systems. What can we expect from the next 25 years? Are we going to see simply a growth in scale (more is better), with another 1000-fold increase in the number of cores? Will MPI still be a major programming environment, just like it has been for the last 25 years? Or are we going to see more radical changes, pushed from new technologies and pulled from new demands? These are some of the questions that this panel will address. The panelists will present their views and engage the conference participants for a healthy and productive discussion regarding the future of parallel processing.

Computer Graphics Book By Udit Agarwal Pdf 25


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