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Permendagri No. 46 Tahun 2016 PDF: Laporan Kepala Desa yang Baik dan Benar - Download Sekarang


Download Permendagri 46 Tahun 2016 PDF: A Guide for Village Heads

If you are a village head in Indonesia, you might have heard about Permendagri 46 Tahun 2016, a regulation issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs that requires you to submit a report on your village administration. But do you know what this regulation is about, how to download it, and how to prepare and submit your report? In this article, we will answer these questions and provide you with some useful tips and resources. Read on to find out more.

download permendagri 46 tahun 2016 pdf

What is Permendagri 46 Tahun 2016?

Permendagri 46 Tahun 2016 is a short name for Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 46 Tahun 2016 Tentang Laporan Kepala Desa, which translates to Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 46 Year 2016 Regarding Village Head Report. This regulation was enacted on July 11, 2016, and came into effect on July 29, 2016. It is one of the implementing regulations of Law Number 6 Year 2014 on Village, which aims to empower and develop villages in Indonesia.

The background and purpose of the regulation

The regulation was issued to provide guidance and supervision for village heads in preparing and submitting their reports on village administration. According to the regulation, village heads are obliged to report their performance, achievements, problems, and solutions to the district head (bupati) or mayor (walikota) at the end of each fiscal year and at the end of their term. The purpose of this reporting is to ensure accountability, transparency, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of village governance.

The scope and content of the regulation

The regulation covers the following aspects of village head report:

  • The scope of the report, which includes the implementation of village development planning, budgeting, execution, monitoring, evaluation, and accountability.

  • The content of the report, which consists of four parts: (1) general information about the village; (2) narrative description of village administration; (3) financial statements of village income and expenditure; and (4) supporting documents such as photos, charts, tables, maps, etc.

  • The format of the report, which follows a standard template provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The benefits and challenges of the regulation

The regulation has several benefits for village heads and other stakeholders, such as:

  • It helps village heads to monitor and evaluate their performance and achievements in managing village affairs.

  • It provides feedback and recommendations from higher authorities to improve village governance.

  • It enhances public participation and awareness in village development.

  • It supports evidence-based policy making and planning for village development.

However, the regulation also poses some challenges for village heads, such as:

  • It requires adequate knowledge and skills in preparing and submitting a comprehensive and accurate report.

  • It demands sufficient time and resources to collect and process data and information for the report.

  • It faces potential difficulties in accessing and downloading the regulation online due to limited internet connectivity or availability in some areas.

How to download Permendagri 46 Tahun 2016 PDF?

If you want to download Permendagri 46 Tahun 2016 PDF, you need to follow these steps:

The official sources of the regulation

The regulation is available online on the official websites of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Directorate General of Village Governance. You can access these websites using the following links:

Alternatively, you can also use a search engine such as Google or Bing to find the regulation by typing keywords such as "Permendagri 46 Tahun 2016 PDF" or "Download Permendagri 46 Tahun 2016 PDF". However, you need to be careful and verify the source of the document before downloading it, as some websites may provide outdated or inaccurate versions of the regulation.

The steps to download the regulation

Once you have found the official source of the regulation, you can download it by following these steps:

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  • Click on the link or the title of the regulation to open it in a new tab or window.

  • Look for a download button or icon on the top or bottom of the page. It may look like a downward arrow, a diskette, or a PDF symbol.

  • Click on the download button or icon and choose a location on your computer or device to save the file.

  • Wait for the download to complete and check if the file is successfully saved and opened.

The tips to read and understand the regulation

After downloading the regulation, you may want to read and understand it better. Here are some tips to help you with that:

  • Use a PDF reader software or application that can open and display the file properly. Some examples are Adobe Acrobat Reader, Foxit Reader, or Google Chrome.

  • Zoom in or out the file to adjust the font size and readability according to your preference.

  • Use the table of contents, bookmarks, or search function to navigate through the file and find the information you need.

  • Highlight, annotate, or bookmark important parts of the file for future reference.

  • Translate or look up unfamiliar words or terms using a dictionary or an online translator.

How to prepare and submit the village head report?

Now that you have downloaded and read Permendagri 46 Tahun 2016 PDF, you may wonder how to prepare and submit your village head report. Here are some guidelines to help you with that:

The types and formats of the report

According to Permendagri 46 Tahun 2016, there are two types of village head report: annual report and end-of-term report. The annual report is submitted at the end of each fiscal year, while the end-of-term report is submitted at the end of the village head's term. Both reports follow the same format, which consists of four parts: general information, narrative description, financial statements, and supporting documents. The format is provided in a standard template that can be downloaded from .

The deadlines and procedures of the report

The deadlines and procedures of submitting the village head report are as follows:

  • The annual report is submitted no later than January 31 of the following year. For example, if your fiscal year ends on December 31, 2023, you need to submit your annual report by January 31, 2024.

  • The end-of-term report is submitted no later than 30 days after the end of your term. For example, if your term ends on June 30, 2024, you need to submit your end-of-term report by July 30, 2024.

  • The report is submitted in both hard copy and soft copy. The hard copy is delivered by hand or mail to the district head or mayor's office. The soft copy is uploaded online through .

  • The report is accompanied by a cover letter signed by you and stamped by your village seal.

  • The report is verified and evaluated by a team appointed by the district head or mayor within 30 days after receiving it.

  • The feedback and recommendations from the verification and evaluation team are communicated to you within 15 days after completing it.

The best practices and examples of the report

To prepare and submit a high-quality village head report, you may want to follow these best practices:

  • Start preparing your report early and update it regularly throughout the year.

  • Collect and organize data and information from various sources, such as village officials, community members, partners, and stakeholders.

  • Use clear and concise language, avoid jargon and technical terms, and use bullet points, tables, charts, and graphs to present your data and information.

  • Highlight your achievements, challenges, solutions, and lessons learned in your narrative description.

  • Ensure that your financial statements are accurate, complete, and consistent with your budget and execution.

  • Attach relevant and credible supporting documents, such as photos, maps, certificates, agreements, etc.

  • Review and proofread your report before submitting it and make sure it follows the format and guidelines of Permendagri 46 Tahun 2016.

To see some examples of village head report, you can visit .


In conclusion, Permendagri 46 Tahun 2016 is a regulation that requires village heads in Indonesia to submit a report on their village administration. The regulation aims to improve accountability, transparency, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of village governance. To download the regulation, you can visit the official websites of the Ministry of Home Affairs or the Directorate General of Village Governance. To prepare and submit your report, you need to follow the format, deadlines, and procedures provided by the regulation. You can also use some tips and resources to help you with your report. We hope this article has been helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Permendagri 46 Tahun 2016:

What is the difference between Permendagri 46 Tahun 2016 and Permendagri 114 Tahun 2014?

  • Permendagri 46 Tahun 2016 is a revision of Permendagri 114 Tahun 2014, which was the previous regulation on village head report. The main difference is that Permendagri 46 Tahun 2016 simplifies the format and content of the report and provides more guidance and supervision for village heads.

What are the sanctions for not submitting or submitting a late or incomplete report?

  • According to Permendagri 46 Tahun 2016, village heads who fail to submit or submit a late or incomplete report may face administrative sanctions such as warning letters, suspension of village funds allocation, or dismissal from office.

How can I access my previous reports or other village reports?

  • You can access your previous reports or other village reports online through , which is a database of village head reports from all over Indonesia. You can search by province, district, subdistrict, or village name.

How can I get help or support in preparing and submitting my report?

  • You can get help or support from various sources, such as your subdistrict head (camat), district head or mayor's office, Ministry of Home Affairs or Directorate General of Village Governance's representatives, or other village heads or experts in your network.

How can I improve my skills and knowledge in preparing and submitting my report?

  • You can improve your skills and knowledge by attending training workshops, seminars, webinars, or online courses on village administration and reporting. You can also read books, articles, manuals, or guidelines on the topic.


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